Semyon Faibisovich
Semyon Faibisovich was born on February 10, 1949, in Moscow. In 1959–1964 he studied at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School, in 1966–1972 — at the Moscow Architectural Institute. From 1972 to 1988, he worked as an architect. From 1976 he participated in exhibitions at Malaya Gruzinskaya, presenting his works on paper and then painting. There, in the fall of 1985, he was noticed by New York dealers; among them was Phyllis Kind. Thanks to her, since 1987, Faibisovich has been participating in international exhibitions in the United States, then in Western Europe, and all over the world. Since the 70s, the artist has been working with the theme of everyday life, first depicting fragments of everyday life in trompe l'oeil, later — Soviet people in the subway, tram, at a festive demonstration. As a basis, the artist took photographs taken with the primitive Zenith V. At the beginning of the 90s, Faibisovich turned to the study of various optical effects — a cycle of these works was shown at the ‘Evidence’ exhibition (1993) in the OVCHARENKO gallery (until 2018 — Regina). In 1995, after the ‘Farewell Anniversary’ exhibition, the artist suspended painting till 2008, when at the ‘Comeback’ exhibition, he presented a series of works in a new technique, imitating a blurred shot of a bad phone camera. The heroes in a number of his subsequent cycles — ‘Razgulyay’ (2009), ‘A Dog's Life’ (2011), ‘Kazansky V’ (2013–2014) — are marginal characters, train station dwellers, and homeless animals; all those left behind. During its collaboration with the artist, the gallery has launched ten of his personal projects, including a prominent retrospective at the Tretyakov Gallery (2019), organized in collaboration with OVCHARENKO.
Попурри (триптих) из проекта "Остаточное зрение" / Potpourri (triptych) from the project "Residual vision", 2015
Двойной портрет из цикла НОЧНОЙ РАЗГУЛЯЙ/ Double portrait from the cycle NIGHT RAZGULYAI, 2015
Вечерние тени из цикла КАЗАНСКИЙ ВОКЗАЛ / Evening Shadows from the cycle KAZAN RAILWAY STATION, 2014
Встречающие из цикла КАЗАНСКИЙ ВОКЗАЛ / Welcomers from the cycle KAZAN RAILWAY STATION, 2013
Истощенные из цикла НОЧНОЙ РАЗГУЛЯЙ / Drained from the cycle NIGHT RAZGULYAI, 2009
Еда и отдых из цикла «Казанский В» / Food and Rest from the cycle «Kazansky V (Kazan railway station)», 2013
На прогулку из серии МОЙ ДВОР/ Going for a Walk from the cycle MY YARD, 2013
Дорожные знаки из цикла НОЧНОЙ РАЗГУЛЯЙ / Traffic signs from the cycle NIGHT RAZGULYAI, 2014
Затерли из цикла БЕCПРИЗОРНИКИ / Pressed from the cycle STRAY, 2011
#9 из серии ОДНАЖДЫ НА РАССВЕТЕ / #9 from the series ONCE UPON A SUNSET, 2011
#5 из серии ОДНАЖДЫ НА РАССВЕТЕ / #5 from the series ONCE UPON A SUNSET, 2011
Приятели из цикла ТРОЛЛЕЙБУС / Buddies from the cycle TROLLEY BUS, 2008
Желтый плащ из цикла ТРОЛЛЕЙБУС / Yellow Cloak from the cycle TROLLEY BUS, 2008
Композиция с элементами симметрии из цикла НОЧНОЙ РАЗГУЛЯЙ / Composition with elements of symmetry from the cycle NIGHT RAZGULYAI, 2009
Отражение из цикла НА ОСТАНОВКЕ / Reflection from the cycle AT THE STOP, 2008
Group exhibition 26 Jul - 7 Sep 2023OVCHARENKO presents a new collective project in the framework of co-operation with the auction house VLADEY. The name of the exhibition of OVCHARENKO artists "HELLO!" (ZDRAVSTVUYTE!) has a double meaning. The complexity and at the same time the beauty of the Russian language allows you to find in the simple word "Hello!" both a wish of good health and a greeting at a meeting. And the meeting at the exhibition will be held with marvelous artists and their works of art.Read more
For 33 years of his work OVCHARENKO, while the first exhibition of the gallery (then called "Regina") was held in September 1990, 278 group and solo exhibitions were held. In religion "33 years" are the age of Jesus Christ — the time of perfection, the period of life when the peak has been reached. Christ's rebirth occurred at the same time when he was 33, so " HELLO!" (ZDRAVSTVUYTE!).
Vladimir Ovcharenko, founder of VLADEY and OVCHARENKO: "The time in our country and in the world is not easy. And when was it easy? It is very complicated for artists now. Their world has completely changed. For many of them it has turned out to be tragic, while others continue to create magnificent works of art. We are happy to represent the best of the best, it is a great honour and responsibility. Moscow is a world-class cultural centre. And it always will be. It deserves new great art exhibitions. And they are coming!".
Over the last year and half OVCHARENKO in co-operation with VLADEY has frequently presented personal exhibitions of its artists, among them projects made by Alisa Gorshenina, Sergey Zarva, Alexey Kallima, Pavel Pepperstein and the PPSS art group, Ivan Razumov, Inal Savchenkov, Leonid Tshe and Nestor Engelke.
Artists: Victor Alimpiev, Sergey Bratkov, Oleg Golosiy, Stas Volyazlovsky, Erwin Wurm, Alisa Gorshenina, Mikhail Dolyanovsky, Sergey Zarva, Alexey Kallima, Egor Koshelev, Vlad Kulkov, Vladimir Logutov, Jonathan Meza, Ryan Mosley, Pavel Pepperstein, Jack Pearson, PPSS art Group, Daniel Richter, Inal Savchenkov, Maria Serebryakova, Semyon Faibisovich, Claire Fontaine, Leonid Tshe, Ivan Chuikov, Dmitry Shabalin, Nestor Engelke. -
First-hand Art. The Collector's View: Looking back and Forward
13 Nov 2020 - 27 Jan 2021This year, the OVCHARENKO Gallery celebrates its thirtieth anniversary. It is a grand and joyful celebration, not only because it, in fact, aligns with the anniversary of our new state,...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
Retrospective of Semyon Faibisovich 27 Mar - 28 Jul 2019The State Tretyakov Gallery will present the first major retrospective of the paintings by Semyon Faibisovich, timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the artist. The exhibition will display...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
Moscow mine 25 Jan - 10 Mar 2017The Museum of Moscow and REGINA Gallery present an exhibition of classic modern art: Semyon Faibisovich 'Moscow Mine”. The exhibition includes two cycles dedicated to Moscow – 'My Yard' and...Read more -
13 Sep - 27 Nov 2016Mikhail Ovcharenko is the new director of Regina. Now, it's his responsibility to take care of and grow the gallery's many fruits, as he encourages everyone to get out of...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
My Yard 16 Sep - 5 Nov 2014Regina Gallery is delighted to present a new project “My Yard” by Semyon Faibisovich. 'The exhibition shows a part of the new series ‘My Yard’, which is dominated by texture...Read more -
The Team I Can't Live Without
Group Show 8 Nov - 6 Dec 2013'The team from our youth, the team we can't live without!' Regina Gallery presents an exhibition featuring some of today's most progressive Russian artists, curated by Mikhail Ovcharenko. The show...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
LES MISERABLES 28 Apr - 24 Jun 2010Moscow's Regina Gallery is pleased to open its new space in London with an exhibition of works by Semyon Faibisovich. 'Les Misérables' includes new paintings, most of which are shown...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
Comeback 11 Apr - 11 May 2008 -
Ivan Chuikov, Semyon Faibisovich
The Restored Values. Part II. Part III. 1 Feb - 15 Mar 2006The first project Restored values was exhibited in Regina Gallery in 2001. At that time Semyon Faibisovich could hardly manage to take back his paintings with the support of German...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
The Restored Values 30 Nov 2001 - 19 Jan 2002Название выставки — не метафора, а обозначение реального сюжета из жизни нескольких полотен Файбисовича. Несколько лет назад его картины, после ряда зарубежных выставок, не вернулись к автору. Возвращение ценностей, как...Read more -
Boris Orlov and Semyon Faibisovich
Last Anniversary 1 - 31 May 1995В названии проекта нет ни обреченности, ни цинизма. Пятидесятилетие — это всегда тот рубежный юбилей, когда событие естественным образом переходит из категории личного переживания в пространство истории, обретая там подобающие...Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
The Evidence 1 Dec 1993 - 31 Jan 1994В галерее РИДЖИНА на выставке Семена Файбисовича «Очевидность» картины нежных тонов изображали сюжет, например, вид из окна, в разной гамме и с неодинаковой резкостью. Два холста были повешены напротив входа....Read more -
The Apology of Remaining Behind the Wall, or First Hand Art
Group exhibition 27 - 28 Jun 1992Из коллекции Владимира Овчаренко. Экспозиционный проект Олега Кулика (Название предложено К. Гадаевым). Очередной жертвой шок — идеолога проекта Олега Кулика стали на этот раз рота солдат и, как всегда, зрители....Read more -
Semyon Faibisovich
The Last Demonstration 1 - 30 May 1992Кажется, нет ничего более противопоказанного желанию художника обрести реальность «в формах самой реальности» (Р. Барт), чем живопись. Ведь реальность живописна, только если смотреть на нее уже сквозь известные искусственные фильтры...Read more
Walk around. Parting. Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. Moscow, Russia.
Semyon Faibisovich. New World. GUM-Red-Line. Moscow, Russia.
Retrospective of Semyon Faibisovich. New Tretyakov. Moscow, Russia.
Moscow Mine. The Museum of Moscow. Moscow, Russia.
Residual sight. Vladey Space. Moscow, Russia.
My Yard. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Three in One. Special project of the IV Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Red October. Moscow, Russia.
Ochevidnost (Evidence). Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia
Les Miserables. Regina Gallery. London, United Kingdom.
Razgulyai. Ikon Gallery. Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Comeback. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Restored Values 2. Paintings. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Rome to Rome. Photo. Collectors’ Club Gallery. Art-Strelka. Moscow, Russia.
The Early Painting and Graphics Within the Framework of Archiving Contemporaneity. Krokin Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Lviv Eyed by the Muscovite. Photography. Moscow–Kiev–Lviv.
Restored Values. Painting. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
All in Due Time, All in Due Place… Andrey Sakharov Museum and Public Center. Moscow, Russia.
My Windows. Multimedia Art Museum. Moscow, Russia.
A Joint Under the Pines. TV Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. XL Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
The Living and the Dead (Memories of the Summer). Marat Guelman Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Our Fluff. Zverev Contemporary Art Center. Moscow, Russia.
Cold Running Down Your Spine. L gallery. Moscow, Russia.
The Farewell Anniversary (in cooperation with B. Orlov). Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
The Chronicle of Current Developments. Painting installation. Yakut gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Ochevidnost (Evidence). Regina gallery. Moscow, Russia.
The Last Parade. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Group Shows:
Temple Masterpieces, or Enjoy Your Bath! VLADEY. Moscow, Russia.
ZDRAVSTVUYTE! OVCHARENKO in cooperation with VLADEY. Moscow, Russia
The Object. Space. The Human. Art of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery. New Tretyakov. Moscow, Russia.
Collector's Eye Exhibition. Special project of Cosmoscow Art Fair. Central Manege. Moscow, Russia.
Coral Island: Sex on the Beach. Art4 Museum. Moscow, Russia.
Object. Focus. Distance. Single Shots. Photorealism. Fine Art Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
First-hand Art. A Collector’s View: Looking Back and Forward. OVCHARENKO. Moscow, Russia.
One Family. GUM-Red-Line. Moscow, Russia.
Borsch and Champagne. Selected Works from the Collection of Vladimir Ovcharenko. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia.
Through the Looking Glass: Hyperrealism in the Soviet Union. Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University. New Brunswick, USA.
My Yard. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Three in One. Special project of the IV Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Red October. Moscow, Russia.
Negotiation - Today's Documents 2010. Today Art Museum. Beijing, China.
I Believe! Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Moscow, Russia.
Lady with Dogs. In cooperation with Sergey Shekhovtsov. Moscow, Russia.
Movement. Evolution. Art. Ekaterina Cultural Foundation. Moscow, Russia.
Razgulyai at Night. M’ARS Centre for Contemporary Arts. Moscow, Russia.
Artists vs. the State / Returning to Perestroika. Ron Feldman Gallery. New York, USA.
Subjective Time. M’ARS Centre for Contemporary Arts. Moscow, Russia.
Remembrance. Russian Post-Modern Nostalgia. Grossman Gallery, Lafayette College. Easton, USA.
Start of the Century Artists. WAM Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
The Russian Vision of Europe. Europalia. Brussels, Belgium.
Moscow Berlin / Berlin Moskau. 1950–2000. State Historical Museum. Moscow, Russia.
Nostalgic Conceptualization: Russian Version. Schimmel Center for the Arts, Pace University. New York, USA.
Semyon Fajbisowitsch, Allen Jones, Timur Novikov, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol. Bleibtreu-Galerie. Berlin, Germany.
Berlin Moskau 1950–2000. Martin-Gropius-Bau. Berlin, Germany.
The New Countdown. Digital Russia with Sony. Moscow House of Artists. Moscow, Russia.
Remembrance. Russian Post-Modern Nostalgia. Art Museum of the Yeshiva University. New York, USA; Priebe Art Gallery University of Wisconsin. Wisconsin, USA; Art Gallery of the Appleton University. Appleton, USA.
Actual Russian Painting. New Manezh. Moscow, Russia.
Pro Vision. 2nd International Photography Festival. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Russian Artists to Andy Warhol. Marat Guelman Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
20th Century Art. The New Permanent Exposition of the State Tretyakov Gallery. The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Series. NCCA, Manezh. Moscow, Russia.
Museum of Contemporary Art. Russian Art of Late 1950s – early 1980s. Central House of Artists. Moscow, Russia.
Act 99. Austria – Moscow. Wels Museum – Manezh. Moscow, Russia.
Post-War Russian Avant-Garde. Yuri Traisman collection. State Russian Museum. St.Petersburg, Russia – StateTretyakov Gallery. Moscow, Russia – Miami University Museum. Miami, USA.
History Personalized. An exhibition tour over the cities of Russian provinces. Open Society Institute.Tsaritsyno State Museum-Reserve. Moscow, Russia.
The Universal Congratulation. The Segodnya Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union. Zimmerli Art Museum. Rutgers University. New Jersey, USA.
Before Neo and after Post – The New Russian Version. Lehman College Art Gallery. New York, USA.
Old Symbols, New Icons in Russian Contemporary Art. Stewart Levi Gallery. Nez York, USA.
Monuments: Transformation for the Future. ICI. Central House of the Artists. Moscow, Russia.
M’AIDEZ/MAYDAY. Phyllis Kind Gallery. New York, USA.
Firsthand Art, or the Apology of Shyness. Regina Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
A Mosca... A Mosca. Campoletto Villa. Ercolano; Galleria Comunale. Bologna, Italy.
My Father’s House Has Many Mansions. Phyllis Kind Gallery. New York, USA.
Glasnost Under Glass. Ohio State University. Columbus, USA.
Adaptation and Negation of Socialist Realism. The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art. Ridgefield, USA.
Painting in Moscow and Leningrad. 1965–1990. Columbus Museum of Art. Columbus, USA.
Bulatov, Faibisovich, Gorokhovski, Kopystianskiye, Vassilyev. Phyllis Kind Gallery. Chicago, USA.
Photography in Painting. First Gallery. Moscow, Russia.
Behind the Ironic Curtain. Phyllis Kind Gallery. New York, USA.
Moscow-3. Eva Pol Gallery. West Berlin, FRG.
Von der Revolution zur Perestroika. Sowietische Kunst aus der Sammlung Ludwig.
Wirklichkeit als Konzept II. Die jungere Generation. Galerie Inge Baecker. Cologne, FRG.
Ich lebe – Ich sehe. Kunstmuseum. Bern, Switzerland.
Glastnost. Kunsthalle in Emden. Emden, FRG.
Beyond the Ironical Curtain. Galerie Inge Baecker. Cologne, FRG.
The Maze. The Youth Palace. Moscow, Russia.
Direct from Moscow. Phyllis Kind Gallery. New York, USA.
Retrospective: 1957–1987. T. O. Hermitage. Moscow, Russia.
Post-Socialistic Realism: New Soviet Reality. Firebird Gallery. Alexandria, USA.
The 16th Youth Exhibition. Moscow, Russia.
Exhibitions of the municipal committee of graphics in the Malaya Gruzinskaya street. Moscow, Russia.
- Time Magazine, New York, USA
- Ludwig Collection, Aachen, Germany
- Modern Art Museum of the East European Countries (Ludwig Collection), Budapest, Hungary
- The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
- Kunsthalle in Emden, Emden, Germany
- Modern Art Museum, Lodz, Poland
- Museum of Actual Art, Moscow, Russia
- Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
- State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- State Literature Museum, Moscow, Russia
- Moscow House of Photography, Moscow, Russia
- The Museum of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
- Elina Viron. «Semyon Faibisovich: We see what we want to, but I want to see everything». Revizor. 26.01.2017/
- Elena Fedotova. «Semyon Faibisovich: For many I am still a persona non grata». Art and Houses. 07.02.17/
- Olga Kabanova. Homeless people, lit by the rising sun. Vedomosti / № 4251, 30.01.2017 /
- News of culture. 01/26/17 (10:00) Museum of Moscow opens an exhibition Semyon Faibisovich «My Moscow». The TV channel «Russia K» /
- Vadim Mikhailov. Photoshop and painting in the work of Semyon Faibisovich. The Art Newspaper Russia. № 50, February 2017 /
- How to look at the city without rose-colored glasses and be glad: the view of Moscow by the artist Faibisovich. Forbes, 20.01.2017/художника
- Asya Chachko. Simon Faibisovich: «In response I hear what you are natspredatel». Colta, 14.02.16/
- Town of memories. Lost Moscow of Semyon Faibisovich. The program «Archaeology» with Sergei Medvedev. 05.03.17 /
- Reaching the horror. Kommersant. № 18 (17), 01.02.17/
- Lena Stibizova. «Moscow is a pot»: Pakhom and Faibisovich decode DNA of sobyanin’s Moscow». Afisha Daily. 01.02.17/
- Maria Semendiayeva. Most important for me is the light. Interview with Semyon Faibisovich. Catalog «Moscow mine». Regina Gallery, 2015, pp. 4-9.
- Elena Verkhovskaya. «Instagram is a set of templates. It is not interesting». Interview with artist Simyon Faibisovich. Interview Russia, 14.10.14/
- Affiche: Regina Gallery presents exhibition «My yard». TV Channel «Moscow 24». Ether by 05.10.2014 (10:30)/
- Anna Tolstova. A dog's life. Kommersant Weekend. № 14 (308), 19.04.2013/
- Olga Kabanov. Myself friend. Vedomosti. № 71 (3333), 23.04.2013/
- A dog's life., 18.04.2013/
- Maria Semendiayeva. Vagrant story. Kommersant Power. № 15 (1020), 22.04.2013
- Portrait with a tail. Novaya Gazeta. № 46, 26.04 2013/
- Jo Vickery. Jo Vickery talks with Semyon Faibisovich. Catalog «Three in one». Regina Gallery, 2011, p. 10-26.
- Sergey Guskov. Simon Faibisovich «Report unprepossessing and peripheral epic sound». Aroundart.Ru. 16.06.2011
- Matthew Bown. We are not cameras - Semyon Faibisovich’s Evidence project. Catalog «Evidence».Regina Gallery, 2010, p. 13-16.
- Jonathan Watkins. Snap-shots. Catalog «Evidence». Regina Gallery, 2010, p. 11-13.
- Interview with Semyon Faibisovich. Time Out. 2008, p. 84
- Dyogot, Ekaterina. The Man with a Cellphone. Catalogue «Comeback», Regina Gallery, 2008, p. 7–17
- Rudyk, Alexandra. Russian Richter. Afisha. 2008, p. 174–175
- Faina Balakhovskaya. Well Forgotten Old Things. Vremya. 07.02.2006/
- Faina Balakhovskaya. The view from my window. Vremya. 27.09.2001/
- Sidlin, Mikhail. Pataphysics of Faibisovich. Nezavisimaya Gazeta. December 5, 2001, p. 4
- Agunovich, Konstantin. Semyon Faibisovich. «Restored Values». Afisha. Vol. 24, 2001, p. 129
- Aizenberg, Mikhail; Kibirov, Timur; Rubinshtein, Lev. The Continuing Issue of the Stare. Three Poets Talking about One Artist. «Semyon Faibisovich. 1980s Painting», catalogue. 2001, pp. 36–45
- Salnikov, V. Solzhenitsyn and Frolov Judged by History. Review of the Villa under the Pines project., March 2001
- Shapoval, Sergey. Money and Demand for Art. Interview with S. Faibisovich. Nezavisimaya Gazeta. November 3 2001, p. 16
- Alekseyev, Nikita. Restitution of the Important. Interview with Faibisovich. Inostranets. December 11, 2001, p. 14–15
- Barabanov, Yevgeny. The Analytics of the Unknown. «Semyon Faibisovich. 1980s Painting», catalogue; 2001, p. 5–27
- Paperny, Vladimir. Socrates, Sots-Art, The Constrictor and the Rabbit. «Semyon Faibisovich. 1980s Painting», catalogue. 2001, pp. 30–35
- Start of the Century Artists. Moscow Actual Art of 2000–2003. WAM Vol. 8/9 2004, pp. 100–103
- Romer Fedor. Semyon Faibisovich. «Cold Running Down Your Spine». Exhibition Review. Itogy. Vol. 36. September 16 1997, p. 80
- Shapoval, Sergey. The Other Post-Modernist. An interview with the artist. Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 22.08.96, p. 7
- Toddes, Yevgeny. NZ in “NZ”. An internal review of the first five issues. NZ. Vol. 5 (7), 1999, pp. 31–45
- Medvedev, Aleksey. Red over Black and White. Obshchaya Gazeta. Vol. 20, 1995, p. 10
- Timofeyeva, Olga; Lipsky, Andrey. Call Things by their Proper Names (Semyon Faibisovich. Persona Grata). «Obshchaya Gazeta». Vol. 51, 1994, p. 16
- Aizenberg, Mikhail. Opening Day against the Background of Celebration. REGINA gallery: September 1990 – July 1993. Khronika. 1993, pp. 182–184
- Yepikhin, Sergey. The Eye for Oneself. Segodnya. December 29 1993, “Art” column
- Dyogot, Ekaterina. Semyon Faibisovich Painting – Total Deceit, not Truth. Kommersant. December 1993
- Gambrell, Jamey. Report from Moscow. Part II. Art in America. November 1992, pp. 53, 55
- Solntseva, Alyona. Non-Affiliated Semyon Faibisovich. Stolitsa. Vol. 25, 1992, pp. 53–55
- Barabanov, Dmitry. Semyon Faibisovich. «The Living and the Dead (Memories of the Summer)». Review. Khudozhestvenny Zhurnal. Vol. 37/38, p. 87
- Gambrell, Jamey. Soviet Art – The View from Our Side. Adaptation and Negation of Socialist Realism. Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art. Catalogue 1990, p. 5
- Nesbit, Lois E. Simon Faibisovich (Reviews). Artforum. April 1990, p. 172
- The Editor. Simon Faibisovich – Photo Realism with Soul. World and I. July 1990, p. 214, Washington D.C.
- Barabanov, Yevgeny. Image and Text: Russian Art of the Post-Avant-garde. Adaptation and Negation of Socialist Realism. Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art. Catalogue 1990, p. 9
- Bredikhina, Lyudmila. The Last Rally. REGINA gallery: September 1990 – July 1993. Khronika. Moscow. 1993, pp. 180–182
- Decter, Joshua. Simon Faibisovich (Reviews). ART Magazine. April 1990, p. 107
- Heartney, Eleanor. Simon Faibisovich at Phyllis Kind (Reviews). Art in America. June 1988, pp. 161–162
- Bown, Matthew Cullerne. Contemporary Russian Art. Phaidon/Oxford 1989, pp. 57, 59, 61
- Kibirov, Timur. To Artist Semyon Faibisovich. Theater. Vol. 6, 1989, pp. 140–144, color insert
- Peschler, Eric A. Studious of Moscow Contemporary Drawings (in 4 languages, including Russian). Editions Enrico Navarra – Galerie de France, Paris 1989, pp. 7, 9, 11, 13, 44–51