Patricia Cox, Oleg Kulik, Anna Chizhova
"The pre-historical cosmogenic act of killing the masculine monster is involuntarily assimilated with autodistruction by P. Cox and A. Chizhova, the representatives of the feminine art wave of late 20th century. Their sacrifice to dismemberment, disintegrstion, "visceration" and mumification (through the necrocast) is mainly masculine or, to be more exact, despotic statutes of the author, his selfassertion, his will for integrity, his narcissism of preserving his face and his body as his property. All this is shattered here..." (S. Kuskov), 1991
Patricia Cox
"Here the chair is transformed into its opposite. Right before our eyes it is losing its identity with itself experiencing a sort of genetic mutation and wrapping itself in the frozen, patrified dress of layers that had fallen off human body" (S. Kuskov), 1991
E. Kozlova
"Pretending to be dead, the gesture and motion freeze immortalizing themselves in the plaster of the posthumous cast..." (S. Kuskov), 1991
Патрисия Кокс, Анна Чижова, Симона Сохранская: Следы на подиуме
Прошлое exhibition