The ETA Movement & Konstantin Zvezdotchetov: Knowledge Day

1 - 15 September 1991



At first, there was the "School" (the so-called project of the exhibition) and the intention was to give battle to the Teachers on their territory, expropriating it. But that turned out not to be enough: from the expropriation of scanty areas, desks and class - to temporary government in the House of Medics, to the expropriation of streets and squares (Red Square, Sverdlov Square).

And today is a very special day -The Day of Knowledge. And tomorrow is a special day - The Day of Knowledge*. And there are of three days of knowledge behind**. How many more of them are ahead?

...Today, more than ever, we know for sure that we do not know anything. And this is surprisingly exciting! Excites so much that the head goes around. Karl Marx, you know? And Sex Pistols? Sex Marx, Karl Pistols? .. Did you know that Dronov smokes, and there is no communism? ... That the phallus is like a bomb, and the gun is a phallus? Did you know that our last revolution was done by artists at night and our muses were moaning louder than guns and BTRs?.. Did you know that the star of Apt-Art, samizdat, "schizo-kita", etc.? KostyaZvezdochotovgave his town-planning shields for the barricades?.. And the E. Т. A. lay on the Red Square even before the revolution and ... made a spontaneous gesture of a free artist?..

“The country wakes up! Young people wake up!” - a very excited Grisha Gusarov shouted in the House of Medics. And now we know - he did not shout in vain. Our youngest excited guys made our last revolution.

E. Т. A. always shouted "Down with"! They hectically ruined something that, in fact, never existed for them. They acquired our bad diseases to learn how to treat them. If they had not been so young and hot, they might have said in a restrained manner, like W. Quine: “A cat sits on a mat, but I do not think so”. If only I knew the youth, if only old age could! So let them better be able to and be willing to, rather than pretend that they know what really nobody knows.

Today, the banners look crumpled, sluggish. Young people choose a gravestone, beautiful and powerful ...

Freedom is where there is nothing!!

First act. Then think!!

Art - a holiday that should be spoiled!!! - E. Т. A chanted yesterday. Square art has the right to look like a war area. There is some sense in the roar of E. Т. A., as in the roar of tanks.



August 31, 199.


*In 1991, on September 1 (Day of Knowledge),

it is the beginning of the school year,

that year it was Sunday.

**August 19-21, days of putsch.